The Future of Gaming Remastered! Episode 67. FEAT Alex Austin from Ronin Geek Official Podcast

The Future of Gaming Remastered!
(Episode 67. FEAT Alex Austin from Ronin Geek Official Podcast)

Gaming over the last few generations has been a strange one. We've gone from huge changes every generation due to the innovation of in engine physics to generations that seems like a less notable change is evident more than ever. To be honest I think that being born in the 1990's has given some insight into the level of changes that have been evident to regular players, so going from the 8-Bit graphics and audio of the Nintendo Entertainment System, the 16-Bit capabilities of the Super Nintendo suddenly to the Nintendo 64 made it's 3D graphical update seem much more severe (in a good way) change.

Jordan (the co host of Grief Burrito) made a very good point on this episode that we are no longer in an age of innovation but have gradually moved into an era of refinement, or at least that's how it feels from a consumer point of view. And, he personally feels from now he would never buy another Xbox with his overpowered PC filling that void, especially since most Xbox games that are "exclusives" come to the PC anyway. However, he strongly believes that Sony have much better exclusive games that usually never come to Steam or the PC gaming market. I don't know if I agree however I've never owned a PlayStation!

These longer generations we're experiencing now is partially to blame for the strange feeling around the future of gaming. We've waited now for seven years between generations but as Alex from Ronin Geek pointed out it's great to feel the buzz for the new hardware being announced! I hope that over the next few months we get a little more about the actual user processes of each of the consoles, like how the menus will work with the new controllers. That... AND WE NEED SOME PRICES!

In terms of the price points we discussed in this episode our feelings towards the price undercutting avenue that Microsoft and Sony seem to glide down. I stand by my point that if I wanted a console and another comes along for £100 less I wouldn't buy the console I didn't want just because it's a cheaper console. I wouldn't buy the PS5 if it was cheaper than the Nintendo Switch 2 and play Sony's equivalent to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild 2 for example... I'd wait until I had the money and buy the console (and the games) that I wanted!

For now I think that's my thoughts for this week!
Check out the full episode as it was great fun!



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