Super Mario Bros The Movie - Retrospective!
This week we had the pleasure of watching The Super Mario Bros. Movie from ye olde 1993! This movie is notorious for being the herald of the bad video game movie trend but to be honest I feel like it gets a bit of a hard time! Let's get into a little background and trivia surrounding the movie before we break it down; Both Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo were drunk through most of the filming process to get through the bad experience. And Hoskins apparently didnt even know this was based on a game until his son asked what he was filming and then showed him the game on his NES! This sounds like it was a pretty dangerous movie to shoot if I'm honest. Starting with Bob Hoskins breaking his finger in one of the early scenes when the van door slammed by Leguizamo caught it so he's wearing a skin coloured cast for the entire film which I never noticed. He also got and this is a quote “stabbed four times, electrocuted and nearly drowned. And thats just what happened to me.”...