Battle Chasers: Nightwar - COMPLETED IT MATE - Review
Battle Chasers: Nightwar Now then! This is a game that drew me purely at first with it's cover art on the Xbox Store, it sealed the deal completely by being on Gamepass a few weeks later and me "umming and ahhing" over it. I found out literally RIGHT NOW as I'm writing this that it's based on a comic book that started in 1998... May have to pick that up! Regardless, let's get down to the game at hand. This game summed up to it's core elements (and from now abbreviated to BCNW) is a wonderfully crafted take on turn based RPGs that people have come to love. You adventure through a world fighting monsters, growing your party and crafting weapons. Can you ask for more? Well yes it turns out I think there are definitely elements that could be improved further but the experience I had playing this game was a perfectly positive one! In their own words this is described as "American made JRPG and dungeon-crawler, based on the best-selling Battle Chasers com...